Imagine casual nudity with your F/O. And I'm not talking the sexual variety although that's good too, I'm talking about just being comfortable enough around your F/O that if you feel the need to shuck clothes for any reason you can.
Too hot and need to take your shirt off? Go for it. Your F/O ain't gonna judge. They might as if you need them to turn up the AC, but that's about the only reaction you'll get.
Forget to take your clothes with you to the bathroom after a shower/bath? No worries, just walk right on in, your F/O's just lounging on the bed doing whatever. They might glance up but that's all. They might make a suggestion of what they'd like you to wear, but they won't even blink twice at your nakedness.
Clothes just feel too restrictive cause of sensory reasons? Take 'em off! Your F/O understands and they'll also try find a way for you to help with your oversensitivity.
Imagine the same thing, just reverse. Your F/O feeling comfortable about you to just be casually naked.
Maybe they forgot part of the their grooming routine in the bedroom so they step out of the bathroom to get it. Body completely bare for you to see as they scratch their head and ask if you've seen the thing they're missing.
Maybe they like sleeping in the nude so imagine them after a long day at work finally getting to strip of all the layers and just be comfortable in their skin, totally free as they cuddle you on the bed.
Just, casual nudity, man. It's so good.