
The Virgo Doll

@thevirgodoll / thevirgodoll.tumblr.com

Welcome to the Dollhouse!
♡ Thee OG Tumblr Doll and Doll Diaries.

always remember that they made the choice to see what life was like without you. always remember that even if they might have “loved” you, their idea of love wasn’t enough for them to consider your feelings.

people leave our life and leave words unsaid with such cowardice that we shouldn’t even want to rekindle such a futile fire. it will only give you warmth for a little while… and then the spark is gone.

if they’re not going to work on making you feel warmth and feel held the same way you do for them, then there’s nothing to talk about.

and trust me, you don’t need to figure out a “get back”. stop trying to be seen and heard by someone who played themselves by playing you. one day, the universe will deal them a nasty hand as a lesson. let God’s vengeance and plan outweigh your ego.


honestly there is nothing like living your own quiet life in peace. highly recommend cutting your losses with people who no longer serve you and moving on. block for a month and watch. after that month passes, you realize they took up way too much of your time. your growth can’t happen with certain people in your life, especially if they don’t wanna see you win.


Maybe it’s because of how I was raised, but I’m so sure of myself. I will not explain my standards, core beliefs, or opinions for ANYBODY.

If that’s what I think, that’s what EYE think. I don’t CARE. And you’re just going to have to get over it.

More women should think like this. Believe in your own standards, and don’t apologize for them. Think for yourself, and stick TO it.

Like what I look like apologizing to anybody for MY feelings? AW.


I am not meant for casual love. I was born for soul consuming love and obsession.


i desperately want you to know they know what they’re doing. if they cared, they woulda been fixed it. i know you expect a lot because you’d do a lot for them, but they’re not built like that. you’re way too good to someone who isn’t sure about you.

when you know you’ve been nothing but genuine and pure hearted to someone, it’s truly their loss. stop moving forward with potential and center yourself in reality.


words have so much power, so imagine what prayer can do. and not even just in the worst circumstances, but in the good. imagine what speaking life and hope into your daily walk can do for you and everyone around you.

and it doesn’t matter if you don’t know what to say or don’t believe it at the time. literally just putting your intention towards something, and believing solely that it’ll work out no matter what happens, is the first step to reclaiming your power from an otherwise hopeless situation. there isn’t a situation under the sun that God cannot handle. it will all work in your favor.


nobody asked but my room is a mess and I’ve been in and out of episodes. but you know what? it’s going to be so satisfying to clean it all up and get myself back together. like, that’s still the doll life and I’m still that girl. life isn’t aesthetically pleasing all of the time or productive 24/7 for those of us with disabilities. I’m tired of the level up culture ignoring that days take more effort than not for some of us. it’s not “lazy”, it’s not a lack of discipline. it’s finding a new normal in a world that doesn’t adjust to you. your small efforts everyday is good enough. in your OWN way. take level up and empowerment baddie culture with a grain of salt omg. like, if it takes having one off day with your appearance or one day not doing anything special to stay sane this week, then so be it. you’ll actually have a brighter aura, be more alluring to others, and be happier overall if you allow yourself to bed rot now and give yourself the grace you deserve.

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