
The Me I Saw

@shewhoworshipscarlin / shewhoworshipscarlin.tumblr.com

A mixture between my two loves: Antique and vintage fashion, and comedian George Carlin.
And answering machines. Starting with these people who think it’s cute to let their children record the outgoing message. And you can’t understand a word of it ‘cuz the kid’s a fucking imbecile. “Hi my name is Stacy, I’m five years old, my mommy and daddy aren’t homebfdofhoefwpefjqpq pfklfnaklnfsklan falfdiytpojhjfgklhnfh doooot.” “Here’s my message Stacy, I’m comin’ over to your house with a big knife, and I’m going to kill mommy and daddy. Then I’m gonna peel off their skin and make a funny hat. After that I’m gonna take out my huge ding-dong and stick it right in your dooooooot.”

George Carlin

Here are some more people who oughta be smashed across the face repeatedly with a piece of heavy mining equipment. These grown men-grown men-who refer to their fathers as “mah daddy.” You know? Yeah, you hear a lot of this stupid shit in the South. These Rebel assholes. “Mah daddy, mah daddy, mah daddy. Yeah, well you know mah daddy used to say—mah daddy used to say blah blabbita da blabbita da da blabbita blabbita da da.” “Oh he did, did he? Well wadn’t that fuckin’ enlightening. My daddy used to say ‘FUCK YOUR DADDY. Fuck your daddy, in his wrinkled, rustic, rural, country asshole.” Grow up, Billy-Joe-Carl-Bob-Danny-Frank, you’re not six anymore…more like nine.

George Carlin

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