
JaxBlade's Fortress

@jaxblade / jaxblade.tumblr.com

28 year old Z-warrior, Personal Trainer, Digimon Tamer, Spider-man, and just your friendly neighborhood fitness dude :D For Business Inquiries jdownsfitness@gmail.com

How Did Broly Train On Vampa?

The New Dragon Ball Super Broly Movie is breaking records at the box offices and our New Broly besides having an awesome film, hot green girlfriend,

 and chill personality, Trained for his results with Paragus for all the years he was stuck on Vampa and ATE A TON OF BUG PROTEIN.

 But what specifically did he do? Well today we're going to dive into this topic and see what type of Training and BUG FOOD could get you the Broly Bod?




This weekend I was blessed by Funimation with an invitation to see Dragon Ball Super Broly in theaters for the North America Premiere. I avoided All trailers for this film and went in fresh with a ton of other Youtubers. Today Me and The Anime Trainer talk in depth of our thoughts of the newest Dragon Ball film.

NO SPOILERS Until 11 minutes 53 SECONDS in

 where we issue the Spoiler warning THAT YOU CAN EASILY AVOID ALL THE SPOILERS TO GO IN FRESH!!. These are our thoughts fresh on the movie post viewing.



Something Sad I just realized

My friends and I were playing DBZ fighterz and talkin bout the being stuck in a dragonball scenario and they made me realize something from DBZ, If you were transported to the Dragonball world WITHOUT powers

, just you as a regular human. Most of the Z fighters wouldnt care for you in the sense of like "I wanna be that guy/gals friend" Honestly. 

My friend brought this up before if you think about it honestly (Not Emotionally like OH GOKU WOULD TRAIN IN MY FANTASY DREAM WORLD AND SHOW ME TECHNIQUES)

, ya know realistically he wouldn't waste his time w/you if you're just your regular self ๐Ÿ˜‚ Its Sad but its true, 

He aint gonna teach you any moves or how to fight cause it be a waste of time to him when he'd rather be training w/ Gods. We've established GOKU while goodhearted is VERY SELFISH lmao He'd just be bored & saying yea Id rather go train with someone worth while or just say "You're boring okay bye" 

and Vegeta would just be like "Fuck off". 

The more and more I think about it I honestly would not want to hang w/ most of the Z-Fighters if it was like a PLOP scenario & Im still a regular human. most of em are kinda dicks or just indifferent to ya ๐Ÿ˜…

I feel like Gohan & Krillin would be the most friendly and welcoming to you

 and I feel Yamcha would probably be the most happy and just wanna hang out/do whatever since the others don't really spend all that much time with him lmfao๏ปฟ


A Trope I've found that I really do love from series like Supernatural with Death, or DBS w/ Beerus and Whis is when THESE INSANELY POWERFUL OLD Deities have been around for decades & could wipe everything out if they wanted, but they dont because they really love Earth's food ๐Ÿ˜‚

Its just a little character trait/quirk I always love when theres this INSANELY POWERFUL BEING that should think of us as Amoebas, but theyre just like. Earth has some really tasty food. I like to hangout here just for that. That 1 humanizing trait is just great to me everytime.


โ€‹Old me would be shitting bricks to watch the Broly trailer But this year I learned the joy of holding off HYPE events to be FULLY SURPRISED when viewing em. I AVOIDED all trailers for Infinity War & Incredibles 2 & I Loved em so much more so Im gonna do the same for Broly ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ˜ŒIโ€™m just gonna go into the movie fresh. Letting hype marinate is a better experience to me ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ˜Œโœจthanks @Hirosashii for teaching me this trick ๐Ÿคฃ


Without Personal Biases, out of JUST THESE 4 SERIES. Which do you Think has/had the BEST STORY? If its still ongoing, BEST STORY SO FAR? Out of JUST THESE 4?

Dragonball/ DBZ/ Super




Vote by commenting either just the name of the series or the name of the series and WHY you chose it. also reblog if you want to help your team. Compiling for a video and I WANT as MANY Answers as I can get 


Vegeta saying kiss just makes me so happy 


THIS WAS SOOOO MUCH BETTER IN THE DUB xD HAHAHAHAHHA So Goku just straight up RawDogged Chi Chi twice without liplocking xD That poor woman, no wonder sheโ€™s so angry Chi Chi is one of the most pent up sexually frustrated women in anime xD especially when here husbands body is that of Chiseled Marble

And before anyone says errror in translation. Watch this xD 


Why Dragon Ball Super "WAS STILL FUN" To Watch, Top 10 good things about Super

While Dragon Ball Super has concluded and many are either heart broken by its departure or delighted that the series has ended many can forget while reviews were mixed. 

Dragon Ball Super HAD some good moments in its run. And a while ago someone asked me if I had any nice things to say about Dragon Ball Super so today here is that video. 

Everything I liked In Dragon Ball Super.


Anonymous asked:

The big DBS question: Do you think that Frieza is going to have a redemption arc now? And would you be satisfied with it? Goku does have a habit of making friends out of enemies; granted that would be the biggest turnaround in DB history, but it's not like vegeta wasn't a genocidal maniac at the beginning of Z either.

I honestly THINK that was one of THE STUPIDEST DECISIONS to let him live. Now I know Vegeta turned into a good guy later on but to me as a kid Iโ€™ve said several times before I knew Vegeta was going to become good because he was in the ROCK THE DRAGON intro standing with the Z fighters on Toonami so when they were fighting him I knew heโ€™d eventually turn

Also to go off the Vegeta thing, Learning that Toriyama made up the series as he went along makes think about Vegetaโ€™s turn in A WHOLE LOT OF WAYS that I wonโ€™t bore you with. 

Frieza on the otherhand to me is something I MERELY SEE as a marketing tool that Mainstream comic books use, If a villain is popular they find a way to bring them back over and over again. People can say its cause of Morality but honestly comic book writers straight up admit if that Villain sells merchandise we are bringing them back from the Dead and thatโ€™s ALL I see with the Frieza thing.

MARKETING cause Logically it makes no sense and to me there is a line for what I can forgive for Villains turned Anti-heroes. Like with Sabertooth and Omega Red when they tried to make them into an anti-heroes when they did all those fucked up atrocities I canโ€™t vibe with it personally if the villain was TOO FUCKED UP. Like Iโ€™m thinking of the serial killer from Fate Zero if for some reason they tried to make him an Antihero Id be like FUCK YOU you sick fuck.

But to go back to frieza that shit is just ignorantly dangerous.

Frieza trained 4 months and was on par with SS Blue What if he trains 3 years he could OVERWHELM Goku and friends pretty easy but they got PLOT ARMOUR so that takes me out of the story.

Or literally Frieza could mask his presence from his spaceship, land on earth BLOW IT UP and then fly away and no one would be the wiser. YOU SAW HOW FAST HE DESTROYED EARTH in Resurrection F.

I know Beerus is a Destroyer and Whis is indifferent but still Iโ€™m just thinking so youโ€™re gonna let BASICALLY SPACE HITLER be free and murder countless innocent people again because he won, and I know Goku, Vegeta, Whis and Beerus are indifferent on it but FUCKIN GOHAN and the rest should be like WHAT THE FUCK GUYS.

Yes it was COOL they had the DUO BATTLE vs Jiren but to me the whole thing of letting him live was just a marketing ploy and foolish tbh


Dragon Ball Super was like that 1 Old Athlete who saw younger kids inspired by him doing great things, so they decided to be like "Lemme show you young ones how its done" & you think "Yea the legend is gonna show us" only to realize while he still had some flair and maybe a few new tricks, he's now quite a bit stale & predictable.

BUT While DragonBall will always be great we've seen a lot of these shows that were influenced by it come along & do it better for a time being so when we are used to all these new shows inspired & influenced by the G.O.A.T you expect them to have leveled up when they come back.

Oh well we got the new movie so hopefully that one can truly be great in writing, story, action, and mindblowing

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