


Kink blogs DNI.

White girl nearly dies from eating ‘spicy’ Doritos.

Oh my god

weak bitch deserved it


Aah tumblr. Such a wonderful site.

So, after doing some research into this I found out a few things.

The chips pictured above are Doritos new Roulette bag. They’re filled with mostly Nacho Cheese flavored chips and a couple ultra-spicy chips. Now, the ultra-spicy chips are coated with flavoring that measures 78,000 on the Scoville Heat Scale. For comparison, the Jalapeño pepper only measures 1000-4000 on it.

The girl pictured above is Beth, a 14 year old girl who has asthma. After eating the chip she began to struggle to breathe and feared she could die if it lead to a full-blown asthma attack. Then just a week later she had a asthma attack at school which she believes was linked to her eating the chip. 

“I couldn’t stop crying. It was the worst attack I’ve ever had. It was terrifying.” - Beth

It’s sad to see a post with so many people laughing at a girl with breathing problems who legitimately thought she might die.

I usually wouldn’t do a long debunking type post like this, but my brother has asthma so seeing this pissed me off on a whole other level.

Seriously people she nearly fucking died

And you can’t get past the fact that she’s white. I’ll bet you ANYTHING if the word “lesbian” was in the title y'all would be researching Doritos conspiracies instead of laughing smh.

Seriously y’all, I had roulette Doritos once. The spicy ones are unbearable. 

“Hahaha white people can’t eat spicy crisps so she should have died”

For real though?

They assumed it wasn’t ‘spicy’ because she was white. I’d like to see those people actually try one of those chips and see how they can handle it.

I’ve had one and it was the worst. I hate spicy food as a whole and can’t eat it but the fact of matter is it was the asthma that hurt her not the spicy food. Had they looked into it they’d know that.

They probably still don’t care anyway.

But I really need to try one, I love spicy food.

Are you a Brit or American? I know they here but not sure if they state side


tumblr radicals are so fucking detrimental to actual feminism honestly




….don’t hate me for reblogging this…

This is very important.

This is the actual definition of feminism. This is actually what feminism does.

True modern day feminism.


hearing white people say the word “black” makes me cringe

A bit sad. Black doesn’t always mean skin colour, not sure if it’s more sad that you assume everyone’s talking about race or that you think a word can affect you so much.

me: ‘’I’m buying a black dress.’’

OP: *gets offended*

Me: I think I’ll get black nail polish


Me: ‘’Look, I finally found a black lipstick!’’


Me: “Look, my slave is black.”



🎀anti-fem/sjw youtubers, part one🎀

hello everyone! here’s a quick, nice list of anti-feminist/anti-sjw youtubers. these are all some of my favorite creators, feel free to add your own!

  • blaire white - easily the most infamous person on this list, but she provides a different outlook on many social issues. also known as “the transphobic trans girl” or something like that.
  • shoe0nhead - how could you not love june? 
  • roaming millenial - gets her point across without the necessity of being rude. just overall great
  • hunter avallone - i feel like he’s lost his touch a bit, but some might agree with him on a lot of issues. very active!
  • andywarski - very loud but always gets his point across.
  • abitofbritt - a fresh face. brings up good points.
  • paul joseph watson - has a lot of controversial opinions. i love so much???
  • mrrepzion - oh, daniel. 

I don’t see why white people think they’re so special. Like, we are literally the blandest people on the planet. We’re like offbrand cereal, plain and unoriginal. People of color are so cool.

why do people who try this hard still continue to exist? @anti-radfem

As I’ve said before, white guilt is a hell of a drug. Once these morons realize the kind of notes they can get off of other races for pandering to their racism, they don’t stop. 

This is how self hate starts. It must be sad to start hating yourself for bullshit like this x)


Just some aesthetic reminders

Feminism IS synonymous with gender equality. No people can’t be racist to anyone. Racism works by having a system which benefits white people. Only WHITE people can be racist to POC because racism needs a system wherein one race has power because of a certain social structure. Anything else is just prejudice. E.g. If black ppl don’t like Mexicans or something. But that’s not racism because racism needs a power dynamic to be racism. Pls stop making these poisonous posts cause it’s not progressive. Thx!

You’re stupid.

The original idea of feminism was gender equality but modern feminism forgot about this x) 

Yet still, @negative-space-ana, did you fell on your head or something because you sound rather delusional here. Racism works in every culture and seeing some hateful shit about white people here on tumblr is not a rare sight and a perfect example for what this post is about. So please shut up, get out of your safe space and take a breath of reality.


Today in my Women’s Studies class, the professor told us that only 20% of STEM degrees are held by women. Im still in shock.

And yet instead of working in a stem field and raising that 20% you, your teacher, and everyone in that class are in a women’s studies class.

It’s my right to choose. Are you saying that we should force women to pick STEM fields?

Oh my god this is perfect

“I don’t want to study in STEM fields”

“Why aren’t there more women in Stem fields??? PATRIARCHY”

😂 Good shit.


OP got burned

Walked right into it

I reblog this every time I see it.


white people scream reverse racism as if I am not perfectly okay with being a reverse racist, if that were even a thing

Then how are you any better than the people you claim treat you badly and oppress you? You’re not. You’re just as disgusting.


I am not oppressed

stop telling me that I am

I could write you a 10 page paper (minimum) about gender equality, female oppression, and the war on women. Try me.

go right ahead.


Every time white people fuck up AAVE I be wanting to smack the shit out they ass. How you fuck up something so precious to me?

Imagine having a diverse historical culture and the most precious thing to you is English words which is inherently white culture.

Wtf is you talkin bout…

If you can’t explain yourself then fine that’s all you had to say 🙄.

I’m pretty sure it’s self explanatory but I’ll simplify it for you.

Black people, have a rich historical culture worth remembering and celebrating, why IS you reducing it to bad English (which is white culture as is originated in England) by making it “so precious” to you. Then ranting at white people when they to, speak English.

Okay so let me break this down for you…

1. AAVE is not “bad English”…don’t disrespect our vernacular…it’s very complex 2. My ancestors did not willingly learn this language so if you gotta problem with me speakin English that ain’t my fault. Take that up with yah ancestors. 2a. So see there’s a difference between being forced into a language and doing it just so you can make fun of people or seem cool 3. Language is precious to literally EVERYONE??? That’s why you have white people getting mad at people for not “speaking American”. That’s why when my black ass ancestors were forced here one of the first things slave owners did was strip Africans of their language and teach them another. It’s significant to literally EVERYONE. 4. You right…black people do have a rich history…like we really the shit 💁🏾

1, AAVE is very much “bad English” I.E “Shook” “lit” “woke” awful.

2, 2a, 3, instead of promoting bad English AAVE have you thought much on learning your native language? Or is using past tense English for present tense doing your culture justice? Kinda seems like an insult to me, however slave owners are not to blame for what they do with their slaves any more than Africans are to blame for selling them in the first place so let’s leave slavery out of this one eh.

4, yes your historical culture is rich. You however are not “the shit”.

1. Do some research. There are several articles on how AAVE isn’t just “bad English” like I said do not disrespect AAVE by categorizing it as “bad English”. There’s significance behind it. Rules. Importance.

2. YOUR ANCESTORS TOOK MY ANCESTORS AND STRIPPED THEM OF EVERYTHING. Unlike you I can’t just go find out where I’m from! And don’t act like you’ve never read a book. YALL bought slaves from people who treated slaves A WHOLE FUCKIN LOT BETTER than y'all did. They had NO IDEA y'all were savages? How df are slave owners not to blame for stripping my people of their culture and beating them into submission. Now you just sound uneducated on the issue. You really just blew me bro. You’ll NEVER know how it feels to not be able to know my people history. Like it literally HURTS to not be connected to my people by a common language like others can and to see people butcher AAVE FUCKIN SUCKS bro. You’ll NEVER know how we feel and don’t try to come onto my post where I express my frustration trying to “teach” me some shit about something WE feel. You really discrediting and disrespecting my experience and you blowin me.

Lastly I could give a FUCK if you think we the shit cause that’s something I know.


1, AAVE is bad lazy English.

2, do you honestly think that the tribes selling slaves to “white devils” “savages” cared what happened, have you not read on the very many different types of slaves there were in Africa? Do you honestly think that slaves in Africa were treated with decency or respect? If you do then you’d be very wrong. Africans weren’t rehoming a loved pet, they were making money by selling humans and it wasn’t until the civil war where many many white people died to end slavery, did it stop whilst today in Africa slavery is still the done thing. So please don’t try to justify slavery in Africa purely because they’re black, they still treated slaves (exclusively Chattel slaves) badly, they still do. However there are DNA tests that can closely pin point your origin enough for you to gain any semblance of where you’re from so enough crocodile tears it’s not all doom and gloom, perhaps consider that and actually respect what history your culture has.

3, AAVE is still really bad English.

4, black people, Africans, anyone can be “the shit” you’re just not.

As an Afrocarib from one of those Shitty Vernacular Islands, I can tell you that AAVE is REALLY REALLY bad English.

Also black people sold black people to white people therefore black slavery is black people’s fault.

Also my tribe’s culture, which was way more significant to my country because, y'know, it was our land that the Spaniards had stolen, has been almost completely wiped out. We have had no recognition. Where are the coloured people’s rants about re-legitimizing ACTUAL NATIVE culture that was wiped out by mass genocide only to have a 2 day chapter review in a social studies book and 0 recognition? But no. Fuck the whiteys, because every white person alive today is responsible for something that came from another country that hasn’t been around for like a hundred years, right? Neat.

^^^^^ gold.


#PSA London attacked yet again

Well said Lauren, sadly I don’t think the brainwashed self-obsessed, bigoted Leftists care about innocent blood being spilled, they hate the West just as much as islamists do. 

They use them to weaken and cull the West so they can easily push their agendas with little resistance, they can’t do that when there are many in the West that do not agree nor want what the Authoritarian Marxist  Left want.

It will keep happening the more the Left dont give a shit

I can’t believe this happened again. ..no wait people who have common sense and empathy know this will keep happening

I honestly blame the Left for this more than Islam at this point. Islam is absolutely responsible here, and Islam is a big problem. and the Left enable them and then apologise for them while attacking and shaming the victims

Get ready for the #prayforlondon hashtag. Then after a week, liberals will be back to pushing “tolerance” towards Radical Islam. It’s a vicious cycle.

If THIS doesn’t wake these people up, nothing will.  I can only say it so many times. 

Libs need to do some serious soul searching.  It is their arrogance combined with idealistic stupidity and neo-hippie bullshit that will cost many hundreds, even thousands of lives.  But go on, keep believing Merkel, Macron and the other Globalist trash who insist on forcing these third world Islamic parasites to coexist in your midst.  Go light a fucking candle and change the avi on your Twitter page. 

Meantime, one of YOUR loved ones may be next. 

Stupid lib fucks!

I just don’t understand the European mentality to not want to admit they were wrong in thinking multiculturalism is the answer, especially with people that won’t assimilate and hate you because you don’t share their demented beliefs. I just wish I could understand libs and progressives and their self-destructive attitudes.

Meanwhile Poland is safe, Japan is safe. They don’t have mass immigration.

It seems that the Nations who kept their tradition and religions with western values are safe. We should stop bringing this crap to the west. The Left are worse than Hitler, they are slaughtering us through proxy of islam terrorists!

Liberal after terror attack: it’s just a few guys they don’t speak for all people of there religion 

Liberal after cop shoots black man who was attacking him: OMG WE NEED TO KILL ALL COPS

It’s not hate to want to defend your way of life from being disrupted by cultures who wish to infiltrate and dominate, it’s self preservation!  Its getting to the point now when we must unequivocally declare enough is enough.  I’m so beyond sick of this shit.

is this stupid washed up dried up bitch insane????? the only patriarchy on the planet is islamic countries, why dont she take her million dollar celebrity senile fucking ass to Saudi Arabia and see how she is greeted. Stupid vile cunt.

…I just….i doubt people on the Left are in touch with the real world anymore, they’re plugged into their twisted backwards fantasy land…….  you can tell by how they ignore and dismiss the truth and valid backed up facts that prove them and their beliefs wrong but they dont care because they have unicorns and rainbows and fanfics to keep them busy

I swear, American Liberals don’t understand how scared you can be as an European. As soon as I leave my house, I am terrified that something might happen. Even if someone just acts a little out of the ordinary in the bus, I mostly leave the bus immediately because I am scared. I avoid going out of the house because I am scared. But sure you liberal fucks, go the fuck ahead with your love and peace shit.


The fighting doesn’t just end after they come home.

I will never not reblog this when it shows on my dash.

If you aren’t a veteran please try at least to be compassionate. You may not understand what is in the mind of the warrior, but you can hold their hand, and seek to heal their heart.

Many hands make light of a heavy load. They bore your liberty; now help bear their pain.


I wanna show this to everyone who treats veterans like shit


You forgot the “not”

no, i didn’t, actually.

this site is so goddamn anti-recovery. i’ve been spending years trying to get better but everyone’s mindset of “if you spend every hour of every day wanting to kill yourself you’re valid uwu” was just making my health worse. everyone on this site would be doing much better if they would stop being so negative.

it’s as if you want to stay mentally ill. you would think that people so miserable would want their lives to improve. if you want to get any better, stop rejecting every bit of positivity you see and forcing your toxic mindset on others.

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