
Let's Go Somewhere

@foxtrovert / foxtrovert.tumblr.com

Star Wars (esp. Rebels). Film & TV. Mellow multi-shipper (she/her), gif-maker, cat-loving Aquarian. Kanera is love. (my rebels edits) (my tv & film edits)

“The way we were directed by the studios, I was to walk behind him, never side by side. I mean, that is fucking priceless when I think about it now. When we would get out the car and walk towards the house I would have to be behind him, even though I had equal dialogue.”

“I can only imagine that at the beginning, they wanted me to be the sidekick,” she said. “Or that, somehow, maybe it was enough of a change just to see a woman having this kind of intellectual repartee with a man on camera, and surely the audience couldn’t deal with actually seeing them walk side by side!” 

“I don’t know how long it lasted or if it changed because I eventually said, ‘Fuck no! No!’ I don’t remember somebody saying, ‘Okay, now you get to walk alongside him.’ But I imagine it had more to do with my intolerance and spunk than it being an allowance that was made.”

Gillian Anderson.

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