

@chikivan / chikivan.tumblr.com

漫画、アニメ、映画、音楽、お絵描き大好きI love comics, anime, movies, musics and drawing.

Kakagai manga for Kakagai web event “カカげようお前ガイる世界2”.

In English

Anonymous asked:

Your girl Guy and Kakashi ddrawings are so cute! Love the ponytails!

Thank you😘 I wanna draw them in adult age.

Anonymous asked:

do you have other social media where you post your art? im a fan of your work and i’d like to follow you there too =^_^=

Yes, I have!

I have those accounts and this tumblr.

Usually I’m posting on X first. And so far I’m using mastodon for post NSFW. Then I’m adding many pictures on tumblr and pixiv when I have enough.

Follow me whatever you like. 😉

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