
So this happened...

@atlantis-is-burning / atlantis-is-burning.tumblr.com

Salty history major - fandom trash - Ao3 tag: Laylabinx

i started up destiny 2 yesterday and burst into tears because i forgot i had set my steam name to reeses penis butter cups but instead of censoring penis 

 it censored the butt in butter

this game is rated M


Replace “what if I regret this?” with “what if this sets me free?”

I remember seeing a comedian years ago doing a bit about how she tries everything because what if when she dies and gets to heaven or whatever's after, and asks why did I spend my whole life feeling unfulfilled? Why did things never click for me? Only to be told because you never did darts duh, that was your thing and you never even tried it. I think about the bit a lot.

When Trump was sworn into office, Musk’s six corporations were under more than 32 continuing investigations conducted by at least 11 federal agencies.
Most of these cases are now closed or likely to be closed soon, and the agencies that initiated them are being defanged by Musk and Trump.
See how this works?

-Robert Reich

Get global leaders involved. Break him down one country at a time.

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