@arthurjcurry / arthurjcurry.tumblr.com

what could be greater than a king?

Those people were scum. Cold-blooded killers. They’d fired at women and children, killing dozens. Batgirl knew this. She also knew how I felt about it. How little Id have minded any extra... zeal... on her part. But... there wasn’t any. At her speed it mustve been difficult, but she did just enough to take them out. No more. She was... it wouldnt have looked this way to anyone else, mind you, but she was... gentle. Even with them. Perfect.

“You have achieved more in your few short years as Batgirl than many costumed heroes manage in a lifetime. You have saved countless lives, brought justice to the wicked and helped the city regain hope during the most difficult time in its history. I know for a fact that master Bruce is immeasurably proud of you — and grateful for all that you have done.” — Happy birthday Cassandra!
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