Anonymous asked:
Zu, I can be a little horrible for what I'm saying but in Viking Au, Nightmare could have told Horror that Cross was planning to betray him to get rid of Cross... but also to get revenge on Horror (●´⌓`●)
Like you said he was pretty frail when he was smaller, and now he's got an important role. But he may still have resentments towards people in his village who have always been powerful enough not to be mocked. And Horror was the most powerful, so he was a bit of a scapegoat for his resentment (๑•﹏•)
Oh you've got a point! Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
- Nightmare was smart enough to turn the situation to his advantage against both of them at once (but miscalculated a bit anyway :')
- Although it was advantageous for him to stay an advisor to the strongest monster of the tribe, since he could control Horror through his tips and “the will of the gods” (not always, unlucky, since Horror was a rather stubborn ruler ò_ó)
But after suffering enough, Nightmare finally found a gold mine, and he wasn't gonna leave it so soon.