Some bright and cool minis, I realised I’m over relying on metallics usually when I much prefer vibrant minis. If I painted this as I normally do, they’d pretty much be entirely metallics literal head to toe, so I’m gonna mix it up.
A bounty hunting couple, scrims beware
In contrast to the previous miniature, as I was painting these I was actually kinda digging the monotone look, and I decided to lean into it. Stupid Star Trek reasons for why their skin is pure white.
It turned pretty relatively boring minis into something interesting
James Birch, treeman corpo who owns multiple planets, and his trusty bodyguard—known throughout the galaxy as the greatest mech warrior: Bingus Bongo.
Had a lot of fun doing these, and the treeman is my first (almost) completely greenstuff mini I sculpted
A cool hoverboard and prosthetic legs cyberpunk gals.
These were gonna be my captains for my new crew, so I put a lot of effort into them to make them stand out, but I decided they’re hirelings in the end. Rainbow hair for stupid Star Trek reasons (they’re not gonna be Human)
I even added a little trans pin for one of them :3
For my first pair of my Space Crew, my Hired Mercs are complete.
Inspired by Gears from Gears of War, I had a lot of fun making and painting these two. While far less interesting than the rest, I still think they’re badass looking atleast
You may have noticed I’m just uploading old photos and collections onto this blog, it is because I run out of new minis lol. I always had a backlog I could show as I was building and painting more, and now I’ve run out as I started a very big project.
I have been hard at work building much more! I’m working on a whole Stargrave/Planet28 crew, requires around 10 needed to be made—which is taking me a few weeks todo. Here’s probably the coolest one:
Here’s some other awesome minis I’ve been working on:
And in Stargrave, you’re encouraged to make a shuttlecraft/dropship for your crew as well, which I have begun using Lego as the foundation and I will add on lots of greebling and de-lego-fy it too (get to see the first mini without any greenstuff in this)
Won’t be able to get round to painting these 2 gears for a while, but I wanted to show them off anyway, I’m getting better with greenstuff—still a bit lumpy tho, thankfully my kitbashing skills save me