There’s something extremely funny to me about seeing “critically acclaimed” followed by “mostly negative (12,477)”
I’ve made the active decision to stop caring about overwatch and activision-blizzard as a whole ever since the state of the company came to light, but I Need to get this out of my system
my yucky disgusting dirt eating twink with every disease looks like a guy in the back of a bass pro shop named hunter now, my anguish is immeasurable
okay sorry not to post about overwatch but why did they. in overwatch 2. why'd they do that to Hanzo
is nothing sacred anymore
can we all agree most of the overwatch2 designs are weaker than the original designs
they’re all so much softer and less interesting despite having more bells and whistles stapled to them
to sell an overwatch “sequel” they had to update the designs which actually just meant destroying the silhouettes and it’s such a shame
look at this
making zarya and moira’s default designs look more soft and feminine is a crime and a copout and i’ll never forgive blizzard for it lol
this activision-blizzard diversity tool is the funniest fucking thing ive ever seen im gonna throw up
you could not have picked a funnier image than this
literally i guarantee you their ranking is like:
Man: 0 Gender
Woman: 5 Gender
Non-binaries: 10 Gender
hypothesized max stat character (dhalsim) and min stat character (ethan mars)
cool blizzard announcement I wonder if this press release has come out at the exact same time as something unethical they’ve done
what is winston’s gender identity points and can it outrank a humans
Illustrations I did for Symmetra novel.
The fact that they bothered making a “story so far” video and ended up with only 3 minutes is hilarious.
Overwatch Lunar New Year
I’m in love!