Disappointed to learn that Ark Encounter, the creationist theme park in Kentucky whose primary and by primary I mean only attraction is a replica of Noah's Ark built with public tax incentives & that pitches itself as a field trip destination for public schools, has abandoned their plans to build an "immersive" Plagues of Egypt ride, but delighted to learn the Bible theme park is building a Tower of Babel instead
This wasn't a bit btw. The Ark Encounter creationist theme park is showing their strong commitment to Biblical literalism by building a new Tower of Babel
"Lord willing, we hope to build a reconstruction of what the tower of Babel might have looked like at the Ark Encounter." I mean the Lord was very much not willing the first time around. Like I know what you mean but when it comes to the Tower of Babel the Lord was very much not Ο Γιάννης είναι ο τράγος φοβάστε το ελάφι
God: I have used the Tower of Babel as a cautionary tale
Evangelicals: At last we have built the Tower of Babel, from the classic Bible story Don’t Build A Tower of Babel