Kinda a hot take but I believe Disney doesn't care about protecting the people who work for them, especially women of color. My main reasoning is because they have yet to defend anyone that has been cast in their movies/shows from angry people (mostly white and christian conservatives who hate to see anyone who isn't like them).
100% agree with this. It has gotten worse since tr**p got re-elected and will probably continue to do so. It scares the hell out of me. There is a far right wing element here that has way too much say. They scream the loudest, they have their podcasts, they get on 🦊news, and they tell whatever story they want. Doesn't matter if it's true or not, as they tell it over and over, people start believing it. It's frightening because this movie and star is not their most important cause. Since January 21, I have fewer rights than I've ever had in my lifetime.
I would love to see Snow White do well in the theaters just so those a-holes don't win. It's not fair. That D23 interview that caused so much trouble for R was right around the same tone as the governor of Florida was picking a fight with Disneyland over "wokeness." Somehow, Rachel got thrown into the mix and ended up being a topic on Fox News. Disney should have acted then but they did not. It almost seems that they were trying to sabotaging the movie.
The way Rachel has and is being treated disgusts me. This will impact her movie career for sure. But Broadway is there, and the right wing already hates Broadway.