I showed this screen of Yuri blushing in Black March and Green April form and sent it to a friend of mine who really loves Yuri. My friend then goes, “okay, but what’s the context? I want to know what’s going on in this scene.” Hence, started a degenerate conversation.
Friend : Okay so Maschenny is all like, “Hey Yuri, I heard you have a Bam body pillow....” Yuri: wtf, how the fuck did you know? Maschenny: So it is true
Me : Actually, in the scene prior to this, Maschenny is seen with Rachel. I bet since Rachel is still alive, she tipped Maschenny off with the deets for sure.
Friend : Yuri wouldn’t even be ashamed. She owns it like the chad she is y’know? “YEA I HAVE TWO BAM BODY PILLOWS ONE WITH SHORT HAIR, ONE WITH LONG HAIR, WHAT OF IT", then she would dual wield them instead of black march and green april.
Me : I bet she smacks Evan around with them. "YOU. USELESS. GUIDE. FOR. FUCKS. SAKE".
Friend : So... what was the site then [for the pillows]?
Me : HwaryunDIY.com, description: become a follower of God.
Friend : Alas, the beginnings of every cult in existence.
Me : Makes sense why best dad Jinsung had so many fucking points. Hwaryun is just funneling their profits into him.
Friend : And don’t worry, Bam gets a cut for his work. He even agreed to this, he just doesn’t understand just how popular he is.
Me : I bet when Hwaryun and Jinsung try to send him his portion of the cut, Bam just calls them back, declining because it’s just TOO much money.
Friend : Yeah, just watch Bam go, "Hey, I think you added an extra 4 0's for some reason you should change that". This is all canon btw.
You bet Khun already has one already.