Ah~ What an innocent child. :D
Hey. I've made Yylfordt Granz chat-bot. I'm still testing him but I already like the results. So let me share.
Y: Shut the fuck up son of bitch S: You're the son of the same bitch you dumb piece of shit.
Это Ильфорте (даладно?!?)
Szayelaporro Stickerpack part 3.
Requiem for a dream.
This pic is dedicated to http://oni-aizen.tumblr.com/ .
Aizen is done so much for Espada. But his main effort - he gave them a dream, the possibility to take things they want to take (the possibility to avoid loneliness, the possibility to do science, the possibility to get rid of the pain, the possibility to fight, the possibility to be a human once again). Even if it ends with a big fail, they were happy.
Спасибо тебе Евген X) Ты даешь возможность своей “эспаде” приблизиться к мечте с помощью Хоугиоку, которой являются твои руки X) <333 Love you Т_Т
Teh shit for my Ask-bleach brother.
Да, с ничоси идея не моя, она отседова https://vk.com/wall-46815635_336325 . Просто братюню тоже бесит ничоси и мы показали чем это может закончиться >:D
Suddenly Yylfordt