I'm really glad I watched this video.
Because I've been away from the channel for sometime - i was worried I would have missed too much to be able to come back. I was worried things had shifted too much for me to be comfortable coming back. I was worried about being too out of the loop to enjoy the videos.
Sean was so real and honest in this video - he's still the dude I loved to grow up with. The channels content is different, but it still has the dude that saved my life in it.
The channel has given me direction for my future. It got me interested in video games to the point where I'm persuing the rest of my life to make them. I was worried I'd lose the dude who inspired it all. I was highly considering making a "this is my last post here" post. Now I don't feel that.
He's still Sean. And I couldn't be fucking happier.
I'm not going to promise to post more. I'm going to watch what I want, have it make me feel how it used to without spilling my guts everytime. I'm going to love and cherish the channel while we still have it.