Nothing works anymore, drugs don’t work (escaping reality) medication doesn’t work (happy pills/sedation pills/sleep pills, therapy/venting/ranting/talking about it doesn’t help, doing happy stuff doesn’t work, no matter what I do nothing changes or feels any different.
Isn't it weird to think that someone might have caught you in the background of a photograph of somebody else.
And you don't know them and they don't know you, but maybe that photo is framed on a desk or stuck in a photo album.
And you were just going about your life, but you're also somehow a part of the life of this stranger you've never met, forever connected by that one photograph.
🩵 Your thoughts matter.
🩷 Your feelings matter.
🤍 Your problems matter.
💛 Your opinions matter.
🧡 Your happiness matters.
💚 Your voice matters.
💜 Your life matters.
❤️🩹 You matter.