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Youngji 1st international fanbase

@youngji-kara /

Welcome to the 1st International Youngji source. This blog was first created to support Heo Youngji to enter in KARA trough the KARA Project reality show, started on May 2014. Then, on the 1st of July 2014, she won the project on officially became a KARA member. She debuted on the 18th of August with the new KARA single "Mamma Mia", being called an "energize booster" by her members and DSP Media. I will post everything that concerns her and KARA members. Let's support our precious puppy, Youngji. Fighting! Blog owner: xbrokenarrow K-pop blog: xtimemachine
Anonymous asked:

Please post about her new drama too!!:)

I’m sorry that I’m currently in an hiatus and i’ll actually post something soon, looking for co-admins that can help me :’( cause i cannot do this alone anymore. I wrote it on my twitter already.Anyways, so far only two teaser of The Alchemist are out :) I’ll post them as soon as possible!-F.

[INSTAGRAM UPDATE] (150819): “@kara_youngji_hur:  빨래야 빨래야 뭐하니~~~ #이불빨래중#우와..#인내#우캬캬캬#시간활용#가위바위보 “ [TRANS] “ Laundry, laundry, what are you doing~~~ #LaundryingBlanket #Wow #Patience #Hahahaha #UsingTime #RockPaperScissor“ (cr: yooniqda_)
[INSTAGRAM UPDATE] (150818): @kara_youngji_hur:  “ 여러분~오늘은 영지가데뷔한지 1년이되는날이에용~여러분덕분에 여기까지이렇게 올수있었던것같아요 감사해요 1년이란시간동안 많은일들이 있었죠 그래도 그때마다 여러분들이 함께 있어줘서 행복했어용 콘서트때나촬영때나 추억이너무많아서 다적을수없지만 제맘알죵??♡>< 앞으로도 여러분들과함께열심히하는 영지될게요 응원많이해주세요 사랑해요♡♡ Hi everyone , Today is the my debuts one year anniversary~ Its because of all you guys I was able to get to where I am today, thank you♡Over the this past year there were many things that have happenned but because of all your love and support I`ve been able to stay on track and not give up Although there were many memories made at the filming of our concert and things I want to express my thankfulness for I`m afraid it will become and endless list♡>< I promise to constantly work hard to work up to your expectations and please continue your love and support♡♡ みなさん きょうは わたしの デビュー1しゅうねんですみなさんの おかげで ここまで これました ありがとうございますいちねんの みじかいじかんに たくさんの ことが ありました いつも みなさんが いっしょにいてくれたので 幸せでしたコンサートとか さつえいとか おもいでが たくさん ありすぎて ぜんぶは かけませんが わたしの きもち わかりますよね♡♡>< これからも みなさんのために がんばりたいと おもいます これからも もっと おうえんしてください♡ #1주년#우와아아앙
Anonymous asked:

Who made your theme because I swear I saw a famous fy blog using it

it’s in the credit reference 

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