@you-can-call-me-queen-e on Tumblr


@you-can-call-me-queen-e /

Emily. 22. Scott, Mitch, Kirstie, Avi, and Kevin are pretty amazing. Twitter: @emrose39

Hey, guys.

I'm sorry I'm still pretty absent, but I'll be honest, things have been rough for me. I'm dealing with a lot right now, which really sucks. Like...I've dealt with all this before but for some reason it's gotten harder to handle. I'm doing my best to try and stay positive but that's easier said than done.

I wouldn't normally mention anything like this, as I try to stay away from personal things on here, but I really need people right now because I really can't deal with this alone, although I try to.

If you feel like talking to me at all, you can find me on twitter (@emrose39), but I must warn you in advance that I'm not the most exciting person to chat with right now.

Thanks for bearing with me. I love you all.

Anonymous asked:

You are beautiful, strong, and loved beyond measure. Believe it.

Honestly, I'm finding it hard to believe that at the moment. But thank you.


I'm sorry I've disappeared.

Remember when I said I was going through kind of a funk?

Well, it's a lot more than a funk. To be honest, I'm feeling pretty awful.

I'm not feeling up to anything at all, not even tumblr. I mean, I haven't even watched the most recent Superfruit and PTX videos. So, needless to say, I'm not really myself at the moment.

But I'll be back soon, I hope. This blog will get back to normal before you know it. Just bear with me.

Much love.

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