When you have been falsely accused.. Look up for so was Jesus.
When people twist what you say for their own motives. Look up for so was Jesus.
When you have been betrayed.. Look up for so was Jesus.
It is written Jesus will bring everything hidden in the darkness into the light for all to see. He will vindicate you. shake the dust off your feet. Forgive and move on.
if someone hurts you, betrays you or break your heart..
forgive them.
for they helped you learn about TRUST and the importance of being cautious to whom you OPEN your HEART. :)
once TRUST is betrayed,
its impossible to restore it completely..
as one man said:
i have forgiven the thief who stole something from me.. but i must admit that when he visits me, i always keep an eye on my
silver spoons..
some things will never be the same again..