Over-thinking ruins you. Ruins the
situation, twists things around, makes you worry and just makes everything much worse than it actually is.
Dare to stretch your faith. Dare to take the limits off of God. Dare to pray God-sized prayers.
Don't 'hope' that God will answer
your prayer, 'BELIEVE' thatGod shall answer your prayer! ♡
Wishing will NEVER be a substitute for prayer.
If you have time to worry, then you have time to pray.
"A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls." (NLT) -Proverbs 25:28
Hundreds of years ago, city walls were a source of protection from invading forces. In the same way city walls protect a city,
Solomon is also saying
self-control protects
a person from outside attacks.
A few areas people may struggle with balance is emotion, financial, verbal, food consumption, etc.
What areas do you struggle with self-control?
Its very important
to seek God on decisions
and in different circumstances;
in the midst of it,
when you seek Him,
He gives you peace.
Sometimes you won't
receive understanding;
but you have His peace,
which surpasses your understanding.
Be honest to God
when you talk to Him.
Treat Him as your friend
or your bestfriend
because He truly is.
And He's a friend of yours forever!
Chances are that you are about to be interrupted by God as He adjusts your direction to stay on course w/His plan.
Trust Him because He knows best. ♡
take the pressure
off yourself &
turn things over
to God.
Give Him control
& let Him take your
setbacks & turn them
into comebacks.
the God who holds
the universe holds you
in the palm of
His hand.
Trust Him & let God
be God in every area
of your life!
Don’t be discouraged when people let you down.
The disappointment of man might just be God's divine appointment for your life.
Faith is simply seeing
what God sees.
Its choosing
God's way,
even when things
look differently
in the natural.
When you set your thoughts
on higher things,
you looking at life
through your eyes
of faith & seeing
what God sees!
Be thankful every
chance you get.
Not because life has been
easy, perfect or exactly
as you had anticipated,
but because you choose
to be happy & grateful
for all the good things
you do have
& all the problems
you know you don't have.
Why waste your time worrying about what God has under control?
Involve Jesus and allow His provision of favor, wisdom and power to multiply and grow the little things in your hands. even when people around you mock and belittle you. Learn to disregard such people and lay your little before Jesus. While you and I have no power to supernaturally multiply, Jesus certainly does!
If you ask it from
God in prayer,
believe that it
will be given to you.
No matter how small
the possibility is,
by simply believing in it
and putting your hope in the Lord,
10% of possibility
can go as far as 100%.
Pray that our hearts
be cleansed from doubt..
for faith can move mountains! :)