For the past 8 years I've seen us non-ace aros try to build ourselves up, make our own communities and every single time, without fail, aces come in and make it about them.
I said a long time ago that aces cannibalize any and all aro spaces and it's true. There is not a single shred of community left for people who aren't ace within aspec spaces. It is truly and completely inhospitable for me within modern aspec spaces.
Like 5 years ago I could go into the alloaro tags and see posts by people like me and now I can't. It's all aroace posts and when we complain about it we get called exclusionists and told to kill ourselves. I'm truly and totally sick of it.
And now even my fellow alloaros aren't on my side? Like do you see the state of it all?
I mean usually when a community gets bigger and more well known things improve for members of that community but it's not getting better? It's just getting worse?
I hate this. This is awful.