#we are humans having normal human reactions and our emotions are fucking valid and don't make us less of victims – @yellowcry on Tumblr


Any pronouns || Adult (18) teen who's doing something || A lot of Encanto stuff and for now Solarballs

Many westerners (especially Americans) seem to think defending yourself against genocide and Russian terror is equivalent to being a warmonger. Wild.

If you are one of these people, I urge you to be consistent and never practice self-defense for the rest of your life. If someone is trying to murder you, just let them. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Otherwise, you might anger your murderer and that would be maniacally violent and irresponsible of you. It’s also no one’s responsibility to help you. You have to protect yourself (but never actually do that because that’s evil and would make you a bloodthirsty criminal).

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