donghae861015 : ELF lets meet today ^^ #gaonawardsceremony
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I'm not big on kpop, and I couldn't name a band to save my life, but fucking kim heechul made me lose a bet tonight, I swore they were pictures of lady gaga. I'm a 23 year old guy into metal and indie, and thanks to fucking kim heechul I shaved 1 leg and 1 arm. But I have mad respect for this dude and his bandmates, cause shit if it don't take balls for 15 bros to dance in heels. yours was the first blog I found, just thought I'd give some kpoppers a good ol giggle, that is all.
HE’S GOOD RIGHT??? i’m sorry you lost the bet but this message just made my week omg bless u
ELF, this is how far we are from Disk Daesang. Please try your best to buy more!!
Cr 7____0, via @ELF_thoughts
#SS6SeoulDay3 Eunhae
-eunhae did bro fist and closed their bodies together for a long time during hello -HYUKJAE ROLLED HIS HIPS AND DONGHAE CLOSED HIS FACE AND POINTED AT HYUKCROTCH -Hyuk kept asking ppl to stay silent when Donghae said I say Donghae u say Oppa xD -hyuk lost kaibaibo again XDDD danced ayaya and shook his butt hahaha -When Hyukjae was rolling his hips to oppa oppa, Donghae was pointing to hyuk’s hips and look at his crotch area lmao -EUNHAE HELD HANDS AND JUMPED HAPPILY TO MAIN STAGE CRIES -Hae backhugged Hyuk at the end -hyuk lost and danced then he put up the jacket on his waist and wiggling butt -and again eunhae pretended they were going to open their clothes after they went down the stage LOL -hae threw his towel to c area then hyuk wanted to the same but never actually throw THIS FUCKING TEASE -during hello eunhae grabbed each other’s hands, touched their chests tgt then touching cheeks FML so cuteeeee bye eunhae
cr: haetongue, ButtsBonbon, hyukarmpits
Donghae & This Is Love - cr: ParkHeeYoung13