gets in a fight - IAT edge of madness S1 Ep5
tied up and almost whipped (with Rowdy) - IOT power and plow S1 Ep6
Shot - IOT Coyote weed S1 Ep11
gets in a fight - Incident below the brazos S1 Ep18
shot in the hand - IAT buffalo smokehouse S2 Ep07
attacked by a puma - IOT stalking death S2 Ep09
shot with an arrow - IOT Valley in shadow S2 Ep10
Has his face cooked in a kiln - IA Spanish rock S2 Ep12
knocked out - IOT Devil and due S2 Ep15
fight - IOT Night horse S2 Ep18
Almost dies from a bad case of Wagonfoot - IO music maker S2 Ep29
falls off his horse - IOT challenge S3 Ep02
Gets all feverish/sick - IA dragoon crossing S3 Ep3
hit on head - The Inside Man S4 Ep06
Catches fire a little bit - The Little Fishes
beaten up/tied to tree - The Deserter’s patrol S4 Ep 18
blinded - The child woman S4 Ep24
shot - IA crooked hat S5 Ep 18
falls down a cliff - IOT red wind S6 Ep1
whipped - IA Zebulon S6 Ep 22
hit on head - IA Hourglass S6 Ep 23
Shot in the back - IOT Gilded Goddess S6 Ep29
And here’s the famous Zebulon Incident…