Your art of England+China is so cute... finding people who draw them together is so rare these days
Oh thank you(*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*) And, yeah, it's rare~
(≖_≖ ).....
Sorry, as busy as usual₍₍ (ง ˙ω˙)ว ⁾⁾ The day before yesterday was Chinese Mid-autumn Festival(*´˘`*)♡" Happy Mid-autumn Festival~ 【王耀——吴刚 王春燕——嫦娥 Arthur Kirkland rabbit——玉兔】
Can you do requests?
I'm not sure if I can spare the time(*´・v・) cause I'm usually very busy with my school work
Your art is amazing!
Thanks(´∀`)♡ feel so happy~
Back in 2012's London Olympic the Australian team has been confirmed of taking contraband , it's only been 4 years,hope you still remember that.
When you tried to irritate other competitors with such an improper and unjustified language,you are already on the opposite side of OLYMPICS SPIRIT.
We condemn all sorts of slanders. FUCK OFF! 我去你大爷的诽谤,澳媒垃圾,滚
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ 妈呀累死方了,下一个做老王~www
It took me 30 hours↑↓ _(:D」∠)_ Yeah,feel tired…………orz But Antonio is so cute~XDD
BTW,I’m Chinese_(:D」∠)_ NOT JAPANESE~Please don't mix it up.Thank you❤