How was your day yesterday? And I hope you have/had a good one today :)
Hey hey! Ooh man, quite the day for those questions. :’)
Yesterday, at least for the first half of the day, was kind of shitty. I agreed to pick up a morning shift since it’ll be overtime for me and hey, overtime pay is nice. It makes it my second week in a row, so why not another 48 hours for the week? Functioning with four hours of sleep might’ve been okay, right?
Though unlike last week, we were short on staff in my department. Before the new supervisor came along to change a few policies, the short amount of staff was the norm in getting through the shift. It sucked but it worked. But with the new wave of employees not used to working effectively in our situation and me being one of the few ‘senior’ workers there to guide them, a lot of weight was pulled around to get everything done.
Things worked out in the end, but it meant staying behind an extra hour to make sure all was taken care of. The only nice thing about the morning was that the staff were more on the cool side and they tried their best. Heh, the supervisor offered me to work a double, but feeling overworked and continuing to work sounded... no. It would’ve been no bueno.
After that? My father was cool enough to make me a smoothie and I went to get pho with my friend so it ended on a good note! Yesterday was also pay day for me---an instant mood booster, I tell you.
As for today? The day just started for me and today is my brother’s birthday! So it’ll be a more pleasant day spent cooking with the family and enjoying each other’s company. Looking forward to it all! :D
How about you? Any excitement for the day or as of late?