Solax by Melanie Delon
new character commission
Did theses for a friend. I somewhat surprised at myself that I haven't bought all the Star Wars Minis for myself. See I do have some self control. #starwars #starwarsminiatures #starwarsminis #paintingminiatures #paintingminis #miniaturewargaming #miniaturepainting #minipainting #miniatures #scifi #scififantasy #painting
More stuff. #drawings #drawing🎨 #drawdrawdraw #femalefigure #femaleform #sketchbook #sketching #sketches #sketch_daily #sketcheveryday #pensketch #pencilsketch #armor #creature #scififantasy #scifiart #faces #helm #helmets
So I haven't posted anything in awhile, doesn't mean I haven't been doing stuff. So here some of that stuff. #drawing🎨 #drawing🎨 #drawdrawdraw #sketchbook #sketches #sketching #sketch_daily #pensketch #pencilsketch #markers #coloring #figuredrawing #faces #scififantasy #scifi #scifiart #fantasydrawing #armor #ork #vampirehunterd #robot
Some drawing I done recently, #bloodangels #redesign #drawing🎨 #drawings #sketchbook #sketchbook #sketches #sketch_daily #scififantasy #scifiart #drawingfigure #figuredrawing #warrior #spacesuit #spacemarines
Some of the stuff that I been #drawing in my #sketchbook #drawing🎨 #drawings #drawingfigure #drawingsfaces #pencilsketch #pencildrawingart #pensketch #penandink #femaleform #femalefigure #maleform #malefigure #scififantasy #scifiart #fantasyart #warriors #sketckdaily #sketches #sketching #sketch_daily #sketchdump
Just some stuff I done over the last couple of weeks. #drawing🎨 #drawings #drawface #drawdrawdraw #drawingfigure #drawingsfaces #sketches #sketch_daily #sketch_dailies #pencilsketch #pensketch #pencildrawingart #artwork #sketchingstuff #figuredrawing #faces #scifiart #scififantasy
Ok here some of the sketches I done over the last week or so. #sketchdaily #sketchdump #sketchlicious #sketching #sketchbook #pencildrawingart #pencildrawing #drawing🎨 #drawings #faces #fantasyart #scififantasy #scifiart #figuredrawing #draw🎨 #drawingfigure
#sketchdaily #sketchlicious #sketchbook #sketches #pencildrawingart #pencildrawing #drawing🎨 #drawface #art #pencilart #pencilsketch #faces #scififantasy #scifiart #fantasyart
Void Warlock, yes I did draw him with a half cloak. Away thought that warlock got shafted with the warlock bonds design. #sketch #drawing🎨 #drawings #pencildrawingart #pencildrawing #sketchdaily #sketchlicious #sketchbook #warlock #voidwalker #void #voidwarlock #destiny2 #destinythegame #destiny #scifi #scififantasy #scifiart
#drawing🎨 #drawings #draw🎨 #drawface #pencildrawingart #penandink #pencildrawing #sketchdaily #sketchlicious #sketchdump #faces #fantasyart #scififantasy #scifiart #sketchbook #sketches #sketching
#drawing #drawingfigure #drawings #sketch #sketckdaily #sketchs #sketckbook #pencildrawing #penandink #armor #knight #figuredrawing #helmets #helm #scififantasy #scifi #fantasy #warrior #warriors #destiny
Lieutenant Kyne from drow tales space age. An infinity asursa mini. #infinity #miniaturespainting #miniaturewargaming #minipainting #drowtalesmoonlessage #drowtales #spaceage #drowtalesdaydream #drowdaydream #scifi #scififantasy