hey. why can i enable subliminal weight loss mantras in bejeweled 3
Bejeweled hypno kink
I wonder how hard it would be to mod in new ones
subliminal mantra of giving me fat tiddies
Sublingual estrogen of giving you fat tiddies
It's easy enough to mod in that it's on the mind control games wiki!
It's VERY easy @foone
To make custom files for Bejeweled-- All you have to do is just paste a text file with a bunch of words into the appropriate folder--
Sleepyhead is the admin of Mindcontrol.fun and she and I trade txt files for this purpose ALL OF THE TIME.
Literally it takes less than 30 seconds.
Go to your Bejeweled Folder and select affirmations
Open or create a txt document
Type whatever you want, each new line is a new message that will play out on the screen
AND THAT'S IT. You have created a Bejeweled Hypnosis File!
Awesome. Thank you for your service
@ragnarokshenanigans i imagine you've seen this but