revival. chapter 12: a melodious racket. In which Phoenix teaches Apollo a new trick, Athena and Apollo share a meal, and a Wright family tradition returns.
I think it's very cute that Kay and Edgeworth have very similar thinking poses
and i have a new favourite little guy
kay faraday loves imitating her gay dad during her graduation (for a degree he paid for)
turnabout forecast
sorry mr. edgeworth! we oughta solve this case by ourselves
i'm late on the aai collection announcement but good god. how am i scared for my life
My favorite art is first sentences of scientific papers, I love reading sentences like "movement is of integral importance to animals" or "snow has long been recognised for its ecological importance" fuck yes so truee
messy comic i made of the Hater Siblings last year while i was playing through justice for all
i was going through growing pains stylistically at the time so i would probably do a lot of it differently now, but i thought people would like it
FunCcino -Ragnarok- Lolita Shawl and Blouse Co-ords Inspiration
◆ Shawl's and Blouse's Shopping Link >>>
see you later
i feel like i should clarify that this is from a website where people rate perfumes.
Go piss girl
Come and sit by the fire. Soup will be ready soon.
Oh sick
Greetings from the museum! Oh yeah!
WIZARD OSHA TIP: The wizard on fire in this image is actually the safest by a mile. Please do not roast foodstuffs over a mysterious cauldron fire; magical side effects are all but guaranteed and will only get worse the longer the cauldron has been in service.
The correct procedure in this case would be to roast them over the flaming wizard instead.
NO SUPPORT for a long time😔
……but as you can see, it was rendered uninhabitable by the IOF:😭😭
We still live on the street homeless #We are homeless💔 We still need you urgently and quickly,😭
to get food and medical care for our children,⚠️😭😞
and to try to repair our home for our children..And trying to rebuild our house to live in again🏡🙏😭😭
I want all of you to provide assistance with donation, posting, reblogging to restiart the donations.🙏😞
@zaharsimiere @falloutalexx @stellacadente @seasonofprophecy @horrificgoth @jannas-little-theatre-kid @cosmicary @k-eke @k-uromori @walcotts @fujiwaradivebar @mx-piggy @choccy
@feluka @nabulsi @sayruq @sar-soor @90-ghost @socalchops @chilewithcarnage
@frigidwindoftheteenagerebellion @buttercupsticksntricks @wellwaterhysteria @vague-humanoid @transmutationdice @a-shade-of-blue @vakariaan @rain-r @hexeosis @plomegranate @gothhouseclique @khanger @gazagfmboost @vetteduke @palhelp @dlxxv-vetted-donations @commissions4aid-international @rainy-rosie @cipher-of-the-round-table @genericusername37 @ @ibtravart @vague-humanoid @neptunerings @chilewithcarnage @frigidfries @diasdelasombra@annevbonny @taloness @stuckinapril @king-b0mbastic @dykes @lesbianmaxevans @qattdraws @irhabiya @sar-soor @sayruq @gazagfmboost @dlxxv-vetted-donations @vetted-gaza-funds @butchtardis @butchfemmelove
vetted by 90-ghost
€20,406 / €21,206
amazing - the temporary goals set for noor these past few days keep being smashed right through in a day!
this week's post-surgery treatment costs have been met - i have now set up the temporary goal to be next week's €800
€20,931 / €21,206
€275 left now for getting noor's weekly treatment - we are start to get to the end of the week
Emergency: I'm really struggling to pay my bills!
Thursday, March 6th: Hello, everyone. I’m Gem, a bi, mentally ill, and disabled woman in desperate need of help as I'm struggling to pay my bills this month!!
I apologize for asking for help again. As most of you know from my previous posts, I have been struggling to make ends meet while on welfare. And due to my outstanding bills and ever-increasing debt, it has been difficult for me to get by. These past few months have been absolute hell, and with no other income, I've been relying on the kindness of others to get by.
I am in desperate need of that kindness again, because even though I managed to pay my rent and basic utilities for the month, I still need help to get groceries and pay my credit card bill which is, unfortunately, due before I receive my welfare again on March 31st.
Again, I know this is a lot to ask, but if anyone could spare any amount to help me, even if it’s just £1/$1/€1, it would save my life, and sharing helps just as much.