Lee tripping on his robe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I really don’t have words anymore for this man just please stop him
When the sea’s and mountain’s fall. And we come to end of days. In the dark I hear a call calling me there. I will go there.
And back again.
Elijah didn’t even age, he just got a new hairstyle and clothes.
The Company at Beorn’s house (x)
Richard Armitage on Thorin Oakenshield.
42 year old teenager Richard Armitage on receiving Orcrist at the end of filming The Hobbit
For Lollypop
What were your inspirations, especially since [Tauriel] is a completely created character; what brought you to bring that power because there were a lot of ways you could have played that role that would have been along the lines of what we usually see for a girl in an action movie where she’s not in the adventure, she’s the prize…?
every morning we arrive and go into the make up trailer…
How does a normal day of a dragon look like?
The Hobbit Productions Stills x
Orlando in the suit.
Aidan & Dean being cute patoots. (x)
scenes from the production blog 11 which I ASSUME are going to be in there and back again