whenever i buy new clothes i take them home and im just like yo what the fuck did i wear before i had this
Reblog if your legs are crossed and/or your left hand is touching your face…
and to your right you can see the hobbit fandom losing it
the battle of the five armies
Ok so here's what graphic/gifmakers need to know about the new Tumblr Update:
I decided to make a masterpost of all the must have resources for dealing with layoutgate 2k14 or whatever we’re calling it.
- heads up to all graphic/gif makers: the new dimensions don’t work either (via odnson)
- why you should continue to make gifs and graphics at the old dimensions (via me)
- tumblr support confirms: tumblr dashboard does not support files wider than 500px (via kyleharts)
- why tumblr is doing this (via maisiewilliams)
- to fix your dashboard and make gifs and edits look not blurry or cropped on your dashboard install Stylish (chrome, firefox) and then this userstyle
- if you have xkit, the xkit guy is also reportedly working on fixing/reverting the dashboard, he just needs time.
- to fix your blog [no blurry, cropped, or chopped off gifs] use this script in your theme code (via jumpingpuddles) note: there are other bits of code floating around to fix your theme, but this is the only one i’ve found that fixes everything.
- use the contact form on the tumblr help page (to get the contact form, type “contact” in the box and a Contact Support button will appear at the bottom)
- or email tumblr support at [email protected]
- sign this petition
[reads summary of fic] THIS IS WHAT I WANT [reads first 10 words of fic] this is not what i want
okay im still gonna be making gifs within the old dimensions, (as are 95% of other gif makers) so if u wanna make sure you’re seeing them right, download this (it’s literally 2 clicks to install)
do you ever not necessarily dislike something but you just get so sick of hearing about it you blacklist it anyway
I sent and email to support asking them why 540px photo posts were just as blurry as 500px photo posts and here’s what they replied:
"tumblr can only support gifs (&pngs i assume) that are smaller than 1.75MB and smaller than 500PX in width" well it’s a good thing you updated the dashboard to be 540PX wide, isn’t it??
While everyone’s waiting for the xkit guy to fix this mess, I’m sitting here unconvinced that the mess can be fixed, unless Tumblr decides to revoke the changes. xkit is a third-party extension, and as such, not every Tumblr user has it installed or will install it in the future. If the new dimensions are here to stay, we’re basically screwed one way or another. We can either decide to install xkit and continue using the old post dimensions (160px/245px/500px), risking that the rest of Tumblr won’t see what we see on their dashboards, or we can start making edits/gifs using the new dimensions, officially saying goodbye to all our previous hard work. I keep turning the following questions over and over in my mind and I don’t know what to do…
- What if they decide to change the dimensions again in a week’s time? What if this isn’t final?
- Which dimensions should I use now?
- Who am I making gifs/edits for? People who have a third-party extension installed or people who don’t?
So here we have a fun little article, that tells us all about how Yahoo changed tumblrs layout in order to make it a “youtube competitor” and I would be furious if it was any less ridiculous. Marissa Mayer has apparently decided that the original intention of this site, as a blogging platform that has thrived with articles, graphic design and gifs, is no longer going to make her bottom line. And just because she wasn’t able to buy her own video platform to fight youtube with, she must have decided that the only real option was to mold and push this one until all the graphic designers leave and it becomes some sort of video hybrid site that just might make money. This change wasn’t out of buffoonish stupidity, in the way that Karp made updates. This was a corporate move. This is a big fat fuck you to the current user base. This is yahoo saying, “Yeah, we know that you use our website for blogging but…we don’t really care about that.” This is a corporation straight out dictating what young people are supposed to care about, and how they’re supposed to use the online spaces that they have occupied for years. This is just fucking disgraceful.
Please sign this petition and write to tumblr support. This may be a corporate choice, but it’s not one that we have to take quietly.
really important information to protect your privacy!!
with the new tumblr look-up system, the email address you use could be at risk to expose your tumblr account to those you may not wish to see it
if you have emailed an acquaintance on the email you are using to login to tumblr every day they can now find out who you are through the lookup system. it is incredibly important for the safety of those trying to stay away from abusers to separate the email they use for tumblr and the email that they use to communicate with others.
otherwise, any single person you’ve ever talked through an email with, anyone who’s added you to their list of friends without your knowledge on an email account can find you
this is really important, i’m not seeing anyone really post about the lookup system, and this is really terrible for people trying to escape past abusers and shit so just
fucking bump this shit i guess
for more on how it works click [here]
Season 5: The year book readers can officially no longer answer your questions about what happens next on Game of Thrones.
signal boost the shit out of this:
everyone needs to take two minutes and type an email to [email protected] telling them how this update is messing up the graphics and gifs people spent time and effort on
I think this is VERY important.
The new Tumblr layout messed up every single edit we ever made for the past seven years. They need to change it back.
The problem is not having to use the new dimensions - the problem is that all previous edits and gifs look all blurry now. Why would they do this to their users, seriously?
a moment of silence for all graphics/edits, gifs that everyone in this website worked hard on
tumblr horror story: my dashboard