The panic of being fat and my constant thoughts of calories, weight and size prevents me from thinking of something sensible.
It's not natural to be unhealthily underweight.
And one can imagine that heterosexual men should be attracted by healthy women weighing normal. Pure genetically speaking, the reproductive aspect, it is the most logical conclusion.
But now it's become so that we find the familiar attractive, what we see everywhere around us, what is told to us; "This is what's beautiful"-
And we've become very familiar with all these BMI 16 models over the past 50 years.
The collective obsession of women to be so terribly thin is stupid.
Well, now humanity is becoming fatter;
"Obesity epidemic!!"
But the fact is that it's more dangerous for a man to be overweight than for a woman.
Despite this, it is mainly women who lose weight, and imagining themselves that they are obese.
What is unhealthy is to commute in weight, feed on sick ideals and bad diets and constantly having anxiety over your body. Oh Bowie, lord, my brain. I hate society so much.
I want us all to stop being this shallow and start focusing on important stuff. But I know it ain't that easy!
The "Very short lesson in psychology" annoyed me so much. It's generalizing and stupid. Everyone who's studied real psychology should see that. It's based on one person's view of things, not fact. It's more philosophy than psychology. So I corrected it.