Ronal Funeral Costume Concept Art by Weta Workshop Design Studio
Jake's Poncho Concept Art by Weta Workshop Design Studio
New concept art from Avatar: Fire and Ash
The next Avatar film will be titled Avatar: Fire and Ash and will be released in theaters on December 19th, 2025!
hello! love your gifs so much! have you ever done a parallel between the scene in Avatar of Neytiri holding up her bow when flying into the battle and the scene in Way of Water where she does the same thing? it would be so cool
Hi! I've actually been planning to do a long gif series where I compare every similar shot/moment between the first and second film but haven't started yet as my footage for Avatar 1 is only 1080p and compared to my footage of Avatar 2, there is a noticeable difference in quality - at least to me anyway. Unless you guys don't mind a little difference, I'll go ahead with it but if anyone knows where I can get higher-quality footage for Avatar 1, please let me know! Here's an example of the difference: