Just have to post this John Oliver segment on Coronavirus in Jails and Prisons.
As someone who saw Coronavirus spreading throughout a jail I sat in for defending myself against a psychotic entitled rich white guy who literally shoved me out of the way with his truck for walking down a closed road and then attacked me after I yelled at him for basically risking my life so he get three houses down faster.
I sat in jail for a week in early March when the Trump Administration was only just acknowledging cases of Covid-19 in the US, and watched the disease spreading wildly around the jail while jail staff denied it was happening and refused to let inmates see a doctor.
The constantly lied brazenly about symptoms of Covid, telling everybody it wasn't possible to be infected without a fever even as we were watching on TV as Dr. Fauci said the exact opposite. When we pointed this out to the jail nurse she got angry and told us that "absolutely under no circumstances are any inmates going to be allowed to see a doctor".
This was in MARCH people. Dozens have since died in Jefferson Parish Jail in Louisiana since. With most deaths being ignored and chalked up to "Natural Causes" and without autopsy, quickly burying the bodies in a potters grave sometimes without even contacting their next of kin.
Think about that. Think how many deaths and sick inmates have been ignored and covered up.
Most of these inmates are in jail for minor crimes awaiting trial because they can't afford to post bail.
Even in cases of violence, take a closer look at the details of their situstions and what you'll see in most cases is a poorer person or black and brown person who was struck or assaulted by a white person with money and police and prosecutors ignoring the circumstances of the case and only pressing charges and convicting the poorer or darker skinned person with a violent crime.
The idea that we should give non-violent offenders only a chance to avoid prison while letting the rest rot in these death traps called prisons is insane.
Not only will only a small portion of prisoners be given the opportunity to avoid incarceration, but a vast majority of people who simply committed the crime of defending themselves while black or poor will continue to suffer this sickening injustice system.
Don't buy into the bullshit about so-called "violent" offenders deserving incarceration while others don't. That's just the language of the oppressors warping a well meaning movement for change.
It's complete garbage. The entire injustice system needs to be scrapped from top to bottom. All inmates who are not an immediate danger to themselves or others need to be released IMMEDIATELY.