Here’s my crappy effort at a Caryl one for us. Based on the one from incorrectdesusquotes
Also, just overlook the fact that it’s constable cockblock….
@wolfwhiteflowers /
Here’s my crappy effort at a Caryl one for us. Based on the one from incorrectdesusquotes
Also, just overlook the fact that it’s constable cockblock….
Can someone please just tell me if the woman on the front of the book cover is riding the horse??? Please??? I need to know FOR REASONS. like before I drink the kool-aid, okay?
I was able to screen shot it and it looks like a guy giving a girl a piggy back ride. I suppose they could both be on the horse, but judging by their heads, the positioning would be weird. Also I’m trying really hard to make out the words on the front cause they don’t seem to match up to saying “Denim Dreams” but I can’t get it any sharper :/
The front appears to be the author, and I think it’s Mary Warburton.
I found the stock photo for it, looks exactly like the couple but I’m on mobile now and can’t upload 😕
the image^ ......i wanna photoshopped it to caryl someday lol
itsspillertime: Never before seen clip from #themindyproject first season. Morgan’s Halloween costume.
“That’s how it is, isn’t it? You always think there’s one more peanut butter left.”
call me desperate!
The Mindy Project S04E02
Loving the new season of OITNB
Did Morgan just think Mindy and Danny had a thing?
At Michonne
"Hey, Babe!" “Hey, Sugar! What’s sha— Danny why are you carrying balloons from the party?” “Because we’re having a son and I want everyone to know!”