what house we do to see how we are in sex?
Traditionally, it’s the 5th House but a lot of people argue for the 8th House too.
Isabel Hickey describes it as the 5th house is our expression of sex, and the 8th house is our attitude/perspective towards sex & intimacy. The 5th house is a lot more casual, fun, spontaneous, romantic sex while the 8th house is soulfully merging with your partner, intimacy, becoming one together through sex. Finding all the dark ugly parts and embracing them together as One existence.
It’s also interesting to consider that our 5th house could be our sex lives before marriage and the 8th house is our sex live after marriage and how intimacy influences us/affects us. The 7th house is marriage- the marriage certificate, the exclusive union and the general concept of marriage. But the 8th is what we get and feel after marriage. Just my own idea there but ya