The Clock Strikes [11:11]
When you look at a clock, the numbers line up. You think it’s just a coincidence. Then, it happens twice in the same day. Again on the next day. Three days in a row… A week passes, then another. The same thing keeps happening.
After a certain point, you’d be hard pressed to keep calling it a coincidence.
So, what’s going on?
If you see repeating numbers, it means:
- You’re on the right track
- Your reality is currently shifting or about to shift dramatically
- You are experiencing a spiritual awakening
- You have untapped spiritual gifts
Decoding The Clock: Dimensions
In case you’re wondering what these numbers mean…
1:11- New beginnings; The entire universe exploded from one origin. One is the first number. It is proof that existence is possible. Your new universe will emerge from this point onward.
2:22- Planning and patience; Two-dimensional objects exist on a flat plane. Think of a piece of paper or a computer screen: humans use such tools to bring our thoughts, emotions, and ideas into the material world. The universe is asking you to make a blueprint of your future.
3:33- Manifestation; ‘Real,’ ‘solid’ objects are three-dimensional. (Well, as far as most people are concerned.) This sequence signals that the universe is bringing your ideas to life. What you planned and waited for is becoming ‘real.’
4:44- Time; The elusive fourth dimension comes into play. This is a sign that you need to let go of the past, that your past is making a comeback, that the future is coming quickly, or that you are receiving premonitions of your future. The meaning of this synchronicity is as elusive and mutable as time itself.
5:55- Change; The fifth dimension encompasses all possible paths you can take. Parallel timelines, alternate universes, and quantum superpositions are all contained in the 5D. This could be a sign of rapid, sudden, inexplicable change (…perhaps as a result of your consciousness ‘jumping’ to an entirely new timeline, if you believe in such things.) If you’ve ever woken up and felt like the entire world changed, but you can’t put your finger on why, you might have experienced a 5D shift.
11:11- Wish fulfillment; This is straightforward- make a wish. It will come true. Don’t get attached to how it’s going to happen. Keep an open mind.
12:21- 11 x 11 = 1221; Indicates that you may get much, much more than you wished for. This number contains ‘one’ (new beginnings) and ‘two’ (patience) so something big and new is coming, but you have to wait a little longer.
And Remember…
You might see repeating numbers on license plates, billboards, the cash register when you make a purchase, or pretty much anywhere. Different numbers carry different meanings for each person. This guide may help as you’re starting out, but ultimately, only you can decode what the universe is saying to you!
what about seeing for example 12:12, 13:13, 14:14 etc? does it work the same way?
Numbers 1-5 have universal meanings. After that, things get more personal. For example, the number 12:12 might mean nothing to one person, but represent a significant date to someone else.
Ultimately, it’s up to you.
You can try breaking it down (12:12 has 1 and 2, so look at the descriptions for 1:11 and 2:22 and synthesize a ‘middle ground.’) It doesn’t really matter how you interpret the message; your gut knows what’s what.
If this post applies to you, you’re going through the spiritual awakening process. You’re establishing a dialogue with your own soul, but only you know how to do that. The numbers can help get you started, but they’re not super important!