Astrological Days of the Week
Our entire calendar system is based on the lunar cycles. The word “month” derives from the word “moon.” Each lunar cycle lasts about 28 days and there are 13 of them in a solar year. Our current Gregorian calendar has deterred from natural rhythm just a bit, but if you do the math, 365 divides by 13 almost exactly to 28.08, which is subsequently where leap day comes from.
From the seeding of the New Moon until the First Quarter Moon is 7 days, with the Full Moon following 7 days later. Thus, the 28 day “moonth” divides evenly into 4 periods of 7 days each. The word “week” has its etymological origins from an Old Norse word “wikon,” which means “turning,” or “succession.” Appropriately so, when we understand that everything is a cycle.
Before telescopes showed us the unfathomable infinity of the cosmos, the ancients observed just 7 moving spheres in the sky. “Planet” derives from the Greek word for “wanderer,” so the Sun and Moon fell under the same umbrella as Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. In divine perfection, each planet gained rulership over one of the week days.
Some origins are more obvious than others, depending on which language we speak.
With intent, we can apply this knowledge to our lives when we are trying to be more effective. For example, if we are trying to remove something from our lives, Saturday is the most favorable and Jupiter is the least favorable. This is because Jupiter rules growth and Saturn rules contraction. In another example, if you are creating a resume, Sunday and Tuesday are best, ruling courage and outward projection of self. If you are trying to conceive a child, Monday, Tuesday and Friday are best since they each rule various aspects of conception, intimacy and love. If you are studying, Wednesday and Thursday are best for enhanced absorption of material and understanding.
Below is a list of each weekday, not limited to the following list of attributes, but representative of the myriad of similar manifestations associated with their unique vibrations.
Sunday: spiritual strength, individuality, identity, notoriety, success, fame, true self, shining, imprint, talent, ability, gratitude, infinite connection
Monday: women’s mysteries, dreams, prophecy, receptivity, emotions, fertility, intuitive insight, nurturing, home, family, medicine, healing, cooking, the past, heritage
Tuesday: courage, victory, initiation, protection, rebellion, strength, success, primal sexuality, power, war, conviction
Wednesday: communication, commerce, arts, transportation, change, creativity, travel, mental pursuits, intelligence, study, memorization, writing
Thursday: abundance, prosperity, growth, knowledge, wisdom, wealth, gambling, spiritual practice, global consciousness, joy, positivity, optimism
Friday: love, birth, fertility, romance, friendship, aesthetic, beauty, harmony, pleasure, passion, gentleness, pregnancy, partnership, music, arts, incense
Saturday: banishing, protection, elimination (apana), cleansing, endings, closure, limitation, relieving, releasing, spirituality, maturity (and accompanying wisdom), boundary, service, austerity, renunciation
In conclusion, regardless of symbolic observance, calendars are astro-logical!
Grateful to share this wisdom. Much love, Catherine O’Neill
For personal readings and daily astrology reports checkout Catherine’s site at