#palamedes – @winter-wise on Tumblr

I'm not Cassandra, but I've been her sometimes

@winter-wise /

Pan ace. Autistic. I love books, comics, TV shows and movies. Enjoy. Currently clearing out a massive backlog of likes via my queue.

hmmm methinks camilla and palamedes embody the corporal and spiritual works of mercy

feed the hungry: Gideon the Ninth (240); Nona the Ninth (119)

give drink to the thirsty: Nona the Ninth (61)

shelter the homeless: Nona the Ninth (70)

visit the sick: Gideon the Ninth (234); Nona the Ninth (164)

ransom the captives: Nona the Ninth (367, 418)

bury the dead: Gideon the Ninth (330); Harrow the Ninth (304)

instruct the ignorant: Gideon the Ninth (237, 303-4)

counsel the doubtful: Gideon the Ninth (336)

admonish sinners: Gideon the Ninth (265)

bear wrongs patiently: As Yet Unsent

forgive offenses: Gideon the Ninth (397)

comfort the afflicted: Nona the Ninth (424)

pray for the living and the dead: Gideon the Ninth (244)


tlt characters as cats....

harrow obviously is a prickly standoffish black cat that acts that way because it is very scared. spends a lot of time hiding, will bite you if you try to pet it.

nona is a super friendly little cat who greets everyone and purrs and loves being petted.

pal and cam are a bonded pair; pal is a tabby and cam is little grey cat. pal-cat has a professorial air about him and can often be found standing contemplatively on windows or climbing on bookshelves, but he's got a silly side too. cam is compact and an excellent hunter.

gideon is a rare female orange tabby. she's always lounging luxuriously and she's totally too cool for school except she secretly loves being petted


Tags via @mayasaura

Vivid imagery. Lmao.

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