#marta dyas – @winter-wise on Tumblr

I'm not Cassandra, but I've been her sometimes

@winter-wise /

Pan ace. Autistic. I love books, comics, TV shows and movies. Enjoy. Currently clearing out a massive backlog of likes via my queue.

hey, kid. yeah, you. commere. now look, the order of the deaths in gideon the ninth isn't an accident, okay? they all mean something. look me in the eye. listen. abigail and magnus first, right? and that causes a dramatic shift in tone from which the series never truly recovers. magnus and abigail were Kindness, you get me? capital K. they're the lighthearted, the feel-good, the healthy relationship. they make you feel like everything's gonna be ok. but everything's not gonna be ok, so they die first, right, and that's the moment when Kindness leaves the situation. then jeannemary and isaac. they're Innocence. stop looking around, look at me. their deaths dispell the notion that anything is sacred or that anyone is safe. they're just kids, they didn't do anything wrong, and that's---don't back away, stay right here---that's why the brutality of their deaths is so shocking. Innocence died screaming, right? it's got to. and judith and marta are meant to be Order. this is important. their deaths represent the loss of stability and the dissapation of understandable rules, signaling the beginning of a free-for-all in which the previously understood conventions no longer operate. but here's the thing, kid. judith fails to die. she doesn't finish the job. she gets right up to the finish line and refuses to cross it. and the thing-- the thing you've gotta understand is, that doesn't mean Order isn't dead. that means Order was never alive in the first place. the rules never actually existed. there was no stability, there was no script or formula, the whole time it was just a bunch of people dying for no reason. no fucking reason at all, and everything i just said was absolute horseshit. i'm sure there's a lesson in there somewhere.

alright, i'm finished. run along now.


I love that Judith and Marta give the impression of the second house being this no nonsense hardcore military house. And then you meet their founder Pyrrha and she is drinking bleach in the apartment and telling Palamedes she doesn't have a lot of tactical evidence on the enemy bc she was too busy fucking their leader


On the subject of Marta Dyas, I think a lot of people put her quite far down the TLT Characters Who Fuck list, but hear me out: she's all business in the first book, but the fact she drops the facade slightly and says "chickenshits don't get beer" makes me think she's like, work hard, play hard.

As for Marta/Gideon, I dunno if they'd fuck (I think they both top) but I can definitely see Marta wingmanning for Gideon in the Bari Star AU. Gideon needs a mentor in the art of picking up chicks.


THE BARI STAR AU is so underrated. Gideon would make a very hot propaganda mag pinup and she and Marta would absolutely get along.

Also Marta is one of the few TLT characters who really absolutely totally fuck. Like, she's one of max 5 people in the whole series who fuck AND enjoy it, instead of just getting laid out of pity.


On all levels except physical, I am reading an AU of GTN where this is no [REDACTED] and everyone instead just gets to hang out with each other and talk about how weird their respective houses are.

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