So what’s the consensus on the Richard III references (i.e. the Two Princes and the Tower Princes)? Because the most I can glean is “two doomed kids foolishly left in the care of a mad king” but if anyone knows of, like, specific quotes or plot points…?
as someone who loves richard iii an unreasonable amount, I will say that richard's real downfall isn't actually 'a horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse' at all, but the scene almost at the end where he is alone with his dreams of all the people he has killed and betrayed along the way and finally admits to his own complete self-loathing:
I shall despair. There is no creature loves me; And if I die, no soul will pity me: Nay, wherefore should they, since that I myself Find in myself no pity to myself?
and yes. I should very much like to see john gaius despair, actually :) the ghosts come to him in turn and all tell him some variation on 'despair and die', which like -- imagine all the dead lyctors getting to turn up and tell john to his face he fucking sucks after listing all his crimes. I Would Like To See It.
also if it turns out anything like the play we'll get the scene of the princes' mother going to a previous dethroned and widowed wrathful queen to learn how to curse the absolute shit out of the king, teaming up with the king's own mother (alecto as mother earth???) who also turns up to tell him he's always been the shame of her womb and that they'll never speak again lmao
(no really, this is what happens in richard iii after the princes die. who these women getting together to record the most epic diss track of all time would be in the locked tomb universe I leave up to the imagination, there's certainly several of them I'd trust to tear him to pieces sufficiently)