#coronabeth tridentarius – @winter-wise on Tumblr

I'm not Cassandra, but I've been her sometimes

@winter-wise /

Pan ace. Autistic. I love books, comics, TV shows and movies. Enjoy. Currently clearing out a massive backlog of likes via my queue.
Anonymous asked:

it's after halloween but trick or treat anyway here you go:

  1. flattenings of john as a character, specifically the "deadbeat dad" accusations or referring to alecto's creation as "male gaze-y." he is a demonstrably involved and gentle parent the instant he learns he's got a kid; the issue is not that he's a deadbeat so much as that he set up a society where parenthood and authority are positions of naturalized abuse. Like, he's doing everything right on the surface, it's just that you can't be a good parent and also a god-emperor. You can't help your kid connect with her culture and ancestry when you killed all her ancestors and erased their culture; you can't let your kid inherit what you have when you're never going to die and she's already dead; you can't give her what she wants and have that be healthy when what she wants is a position in the army you run. but fuck if he's not trying to. from a surface level view, he's doing everything right! and calling alecto barbie male gaze-y eliminates the role of larger systems in literally everything john has ever done. is it not so much more satisfying for it to be a completely innocuous and even childish act that still ends up defiling a woman's body because the defilement of women's bodies is so baked into everything that an act as simple as "taking comfort in childhood toys when you're stressed" has the potential to be harmful? He's fucked up, for sure, but like. damn if the ways he's fucked up in canon aren't way more interesting than half the takes.
  2. okay so tridentariicest totally has textual backing and i love that folks explore that, but i also feel like the sexual element of their whole deal is given way too much spotlight. what about all the other totally horrifying aspects of their relationship? there's so many good god diversify it a bit.
  3. kiriona meta that either makes her out to be completely different or completely the same as gideon. this side of her always existed and she is fundamentally changed. if i talk about this too much longer i will write an essay because every time i think about kiriona for a second too long an essay happens but moral of the story she's one of those Characters I'm Correct About and i am sososotired.

buddy youve already written an essay lmfao anyway treat: i like hearing peoples opinions. ive already mentioned my opinions on kiriona and john before (TLDR this has always been gideon and people change/imperialism misogyny and classism is baked into the society john grew up in and it continues to exist as he made this new society). tcest grosses me out on a general level but it Is there in tlt and it annoys me when people boil it down to "oh isnt it so problematic when twins kiss are you offended" instead of exploring how the third house encouraged codependency and fused identity, coronas desperation to be needed vs ianthes desperation to be acknowledged and seen blahblahblah theres just more interesting ways you could explore text within a series about the horrors and unhealthiness of love instead of jacking into a sock about it


I am UNBELIEVABLY excited to share this with you all!!! Hozier x TLT x Reinaeiry !?!?! And I got to make art for it!?!?!?!!?

I put so much tlt love into the artwork and Eiry's cover is absolutely stunning!! Truly a dream project.

Here's the spotify link also!


I think a very important unwritten piece of locked tomb canon is that corona and ianthe are absolutely both writing home regularly to mummy throughout the entire series - not with any helpful plot points or anything, they just want pocket money. Their mother, hatefully running a planet that she also hates, has the knack of silently wiring pocket money in an incredibly nasty and hurtful way - despite not accompanying it with a note or anything - just a sort of careful psychic warfare involving timing, amounts of money, the transfer service, etc.

(Although at at one point she asks if one of them has Babs, or if he’s dead or what. Corona ghosts her and ianthe texts back “who”)

Anyway, breaking off your meeting with god or the rebels or whatever because mummy has just sent you $465.73 in THEE bitchiest possible way

the idea that one moment Mummy and Daddy Of Ida receive official condolences from the Emperor Undying, the Kindly Prince of Death, the Necrolord Prime that both their daughters and their cavalier have tragically died during their glorious pursuit of Lyctorhood, look here are their coffins isn't this sad :( and then like an hour later a note flutters in from Coronabeth all "mummy dearest please forward my pocket money to this address, xoxo your favourite child" is, as the kids say, sending me

this is exactly it.their psychic waves of triangulation and nastiness already transcend death, truth, spacetime & etc. so it’s completely unreasonable that the secret spacebase of the emperor undying not receive a shipping container of ianthe’s shittiest party dresses and half used makeup , spitefully packed. Yes of course we know she’s dead it’s very unfortunate (many such cases) she’ll definitely need her half used makeup from her ‘thought I had deep winter mystique with a light spring skintone’ era in the afterlife. mummy x

@hound-of-heaven tag promotion. Also Mummy does have some regular interaction with God, since the “wealth” of Ida is relentless resource extraction to fuel a system of lifeless planets and an unendingly expanding Empire, and also they aren’t allowed to be too overtly “rich” because God sees red about that, so they have this delicate balance of placation and conciliation while still being cunty and power-crazed.

Anyway whenever the conversation touches on the dead twin princesses, he knows she knows and she knows he knows, but she is actually quite insulated by genuinely not caring, and therefore when probed with increasing urgency about the dead twin princesses she simply says things like “oh, she’d do anything for attention”.

Where is Coronabeth? “Oh, making an exhibition of herself, I’m sure.”

Are you in contact with Ianthe? “Oh I never talk to dead people darling; they’re so self-absorbed and all they do is howl. Not that you can tell the difference with Ianthe.”

It’s just that her bedroom is neverendingly full of cheap fast fashion and the mithraeum doesn’t have a Primark and Primark hasn’t existed for 10,000 years. “Dreadful for you, darling…”

How are you in contact with Ianthe? “Who?”

We think the twins have eaten each other and vanished again and are possibly seriously undead. “Anything for attention,” Mummy says contemptuously, instantly firing off half the normal amount of pocket money into a joint account in a way that neatly criticises whatever disgusting new kind of incest they’ve invented while pointing out that neither of them look good in babs

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