wings1295 reblogged
Dick Tracy 1943-1944
Who knows? I wouldn't be surprised to find he had turned invisible!
Dick Tracy 1943-1944
Who knows? I wouldn't be surprised to find he had turned invisible!
Dick Tracy 1943-1944
Just when things couldn't get any weirder...
Dick Tracy 1943-1944
What the hell? Vitamin is going to be an unwitting criminal?
Dick Tracy 1943-1944
Wow, this is getting weird!
Dick Tracy 1943-1944
What is going to happen with Vitamin and the gun???
Dick Tracy 1943-1944
Dick Tracy 1943-1944
Dick Tracy 1943-1944
Dick Tracy 1943-1944
Dick Tracy 1943-1944
Dick Tracy 1943-1944
Dick Tracy 1943-1944