Boissonneaua jardíni - Velvet-purple Coronet - Colibrí Siete Colores by Guillermo Gomez Fernandez
Peru: Gould's Jewelfront by Vivek Tiwari Via Flickr: A very distinctive hummer in its range, and the only one of its genus in the lowlands. And while it has a wide distribution across the Amazon, it is uncommon and another species I missed in the past. Tarapoto, San Martin, Peru. August 2015
Peru: Beauty and the Beast by Vivek Tiwari Via Flickr: How long did it take you to notice the "beast" in the shot? Does that say something about how you view the world :) White-necked Jacobin and un'id'ed bug (id appreciated) Tarapoto, Peru, Aug 2015
Peru: Golden-tailed Sapphire by Vivek Tiwari Via Flickr: Widespread in the lowlands of the western Amazon but relatively uncommon. Moyobamba, San Martin, Peru. Aug 2015
Peru: White-necked Jacobin by Vivek Tiwari Via Flickr: One of the loveliest and most widespread of the neotropical hummingbirds. No flash. Moyobamba, San Martin, Peru. Aug 2015
Peru: Rufous-crested Coquette by Vivek Tiwari Via Flickr: Coquettes are a group of very small hummingbirds with elaborate adornments that are spread across the neotropics but none of the species is common. This Rufous-crested Coquette infact was the first and only male coquette of any species that I have seen. Having seen it in life in good natural light, I can attest that depictions in most field guides do not do justice ot this bird. Moyobamba, Peru. August 2015.