#Repost @brightblackcandle (with @report.for.insta) ... With the hustle of everyday life, shorter days, and navigating our first ever Bright Black holiday season rush (🤩), I'm finding it somewhat challenging to make time for the things that center me, like writing and reading. But when I DO find the time, I feel sooooooo much better. Sooooooo, I may be making the acquaintance of 5am more frequently in the weeks and month to come! . . . . . . . #brightblack #brightblackcandles #bright #black #comeshinewithus #giftideas #shopsmall #candles #candleseason #cozy #handpoured #handpouredcandles #homesweethome #balance #meditation #positiveenergy #wellness #healthylifestyle #healing #selflove #selfcare #mindfulness #harmony #jamaica #caribbean #jamaican #kingston #kingstonjamaica #onelove (at Durham, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/B55FFuQJQel/?igshid=2wftlqifaraz
#Repost @agamooz (with @report.for.insta) ... Oh how I’ve missed my wheels! 🚲💙 #atlbeltline #beltlineatl #beltlineart #westsidetrail #atlwestend #atlvibes #homesweethome #biking #ridemybike https://www.instagram.com/p/B0p4eEzp6w1/?igshid=uqzb7mahkj8x
#Repost @dicasdajasmie (with @report.for.insta) ... ✨É SOBRE OLHAR ESSE CANTINHO E SENTIR GRATIDÃO! 💗 Bom diiiaaa! 🌷 . . . Algumas coisas na vida parecem ter uma importância mínima para algumas pessoas, e para outras parecem coisas grandiosas... 🙈💕 Como para mim: amo esse cantinho do café, porque sonhei com ele assim, quis cada coisinha que está nesse cantinho! 💖 Por isso agradeço a Deus, pois sejamos gratos, inclusive, pelas pequenas grandes coisas! 💟🙏🏻💟🙏🏻💟 . . . A plaquinha é da @villapano e foi aquela última caixinha que mostrei nos stories e não tinha mostrado o que tinha dentro ainda! . . . #bomdia #bomdiacomamor #bomdiacomcafe #coffee #coffeelover #cantinhodocafe #plaquinhadecafé #coffeehere #nescafedolcegusto #dolcegustobr #dolcegusto #lardocelar #homedecor #homesweethome #donadecasamoderna #gratidao (at Duluth, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwwWjYdAR4p/?igshid=15b52r1q5owip
@Regrann from @housebeautiful - Pretty in pink. 💕🌸 (📷: @annieschlechter | Design: @suellengregory) #HBcolor #instadecor #homesweethome - #regrann
@Regrann_App from @aphrochic - Feeling grateful. Woke up to the sun shining on this lovely arrangement by @brooklynbloomsnyc for our #SHESSOAPHROCHIC event. All of your beautiful posts and comments from the evening have our hearts full. We are so thankful to everyone who has supported this brand. We'll keep working hard for you and we promise, there are more surprises to come. #aphrochic #brooklyn #homesweethome #flowers #homedecor #interiordesign #blackhomesmatter #blackgirlmagic #blackgirlsrock #blackjoy - #regrann
@Regrann from @waitingonmartha - How is it only Wednesday? #sigh Well at least my nightstand situation is on point. #crawlingintobed | photo @rusticwhite #homesweethome #mkrdesign #mkrstyles #landghome #Regrann
@Regrann from @waitingonmartha - My idea of the perfect Sunday night...flipping between Stranger Things and the Olympics in my most loved spot. #homesweethome | 📷 photo @rusticwhite #strangerthings #olympics #sundayfunday #sunday http://liketk.it/2oWGE #ltkhome #mkrdesign #mkrstyles #Regrann
@Regrann from @waitingonmartha - That morning light though. ☀️👌🏻😍 #homesweethome | 📷 photography @rusticwhite | #mkrdesign #mkrstyles #gingerjar #MyOKLStyle http://liketk.it/2oUsb #ltkhome #mornings #blueandwhite #sharemyOKLstyle #Regrann