pov: you're the prison guard in arkham forced to listen to riddler and joker's 24/7 maniacal laughter
i do sincerely love how DC made up cities all across the us for their superheroes to protect and fight evil in
and then marvel was just like ‘you know what? fuck new york’
Four different superhero teams at MINIMUM are in New York state and it gets fucked up on the regular
Baby Yoda saw an opportunity and he took it!
End of watch
Rumlow, having it up to here™ with Luis’ rambling answer: It’s a yes or no question! Have you seen Steve Rogers?
I love how Luther was so insistent that the apocalypse had something to do with the moon, and besides Vanya being the catalyst…..he was kinda right?
Mediavengers is back for a very special edition with a sprinkling of extra salt.
Bucky this is your mission not a photoshoot.
there is the distinct possibility
that I'm just gonna post a bunch of Wonder Woman for Woman Crush Wednesday tomorrow.
My current sexuality: Bucky aggressively getting into aircraft
Thor Odinson, probably (via radiatorfromspace)
captain americacptn. rogersnomad.
“all the lies of the past, in the past.”
Could these two be any cuter??
The moment Bucky Barnes appears in Civil War I am going to burst into tears
all I wanted was to watch a cool superhero movie I didn’t mean to dedicate my life to Sebastian Stan wtf
What went wrong with my life??