Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes The Falcon & the Winter Soldier
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) || Thunderbolts (2025)
He was trapped in his own body, forced to watch everything Hydra made him do for 70 years, which is why Bucky’s line in Civil War hurts even more;
“I remember all of them.”
He knew who they were and what he was doing while assisting them…
Since I’m too busy to draw this week have an older sketch!!!
I see your requests guys I’ll get to them eventually I just have a busy week this week.
The Winter Soldier, baby!!!
Time to go to work | TFATWS S01E05: Truth
There are bad guys...
and there are worse guys. (x)
Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes aka The Winter Soldier
Exclusive Outtake from Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Hey how'd the Commies snag an invite?
“... how's sarah? she asked about me?”
who the hell is Bucky? / quick warming up sketch
CATWS 10th Anniversary | Day 8 » Theme: Bucky Barnes - Bank, Metal Arm, Memories for @catws-anniversary