Because screw you Snowflakes, and your selfish desire for clean air, soil, and water!
The air is too clean? The air is TOO clean?!
I’ve posted this before, but it certainly deserves another look.
ManChildTrump wants to promote women's health, but wants to kill Planned Parenthood!
He wants to work for clean water and clean air, but wants to kill environmental regulation of corporations!
See, this is why I love the ManChildTrump Kool-Aid drinkers: Trump violated the Constitution. Hillary's e-mails! Trump and his henchmen are using their own private e-mail server (exactly what they complained about Hillary doing). Hillary's e-mails! Trump signed an Executive Order without knowing what provisions it contained. Hillary's e-mails! Trump appointed a president from Goldman Sachs (the very company he complained about Hillary delivering speeches to) to be Secretary of the Treasury. Hillary's e-mails! Trump wants to make it legal for investment brokers to NOT work in the best interests of their clients. Hillary’s e-mails! Trump’s EPA head wants to remove things that destroy our atmosphere from the list of things that destroy our atmosphere. Hillary’s e-mails! Yep, you Trump voters sure showed everybody else.